DRE Pest Control

DER Pest Control

DRE Pest Control



We are often called to a wasp problem where there is no apparent nest.  This is because wasps can travel up to half a mile from their nest to forage for food.


Wasps are also attracted to light, so it is quite common for wasps to be attracted to a light source, within 500 meters of their nest, especially at dusk, when it is starting to get dark.


Unfortunately unless a wasp nest is located, i.e. the wasps are continuously going in and out of a hole, either in the wall, under tiles/floor boards, or in the ground, there is very little we can do to resolve the problem. 

Wasps tend to make their nests in garden sheds, roofs, loft spaces (accessible from the outside) and chimmys.  If you suspect you might have a wasp nest in your home, garden or building call DRE Pest Control in Cambridge to safely remove the nest for you.


Sometimes a wasp nest is easy to locate, other times the nest could be in such an inaccessible position it is impossible to see but we have control methods to suit all situations and will return free of charge if the problem persists.  

DRE pest control wasps Cambridge

If you suspect you might have a wasp nest in your home, garden or building call DRE Pest Control in Cambridge to safely remove the nest for you.